Buy a hand-made card and support our cause

by Anastasia Cires

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We are „Casa Marioarei” team - a house where thousands of women spread their wings for a new beginning of life. We represent a temporary shelter and a center for rehabilitation for victims of domestic violence.

In addition to our services of social, legal, psychological and medical assistance, our beneficiaries find here that kind of peace and inner forces that help them to break the cycle of violence. It’s a job that we like and are proud of!

What we are doing now? We are preparing hand-made cards to surprise women whom you care about and to bring a spot of spring in their hearts.

Why are we doing it? It is our gratitude for your support of our cause.

What you need to do? Donate online or send a SMS with number 606 to the short number 1555 (only for Moldcell, the price of a SMS is 24 MDL) and you’ll bring the holidays spirit and great warmth in our house. All funds collected will cover the expenditures for the heat, which constitute about 800 Euro per month for providing heat for at least 24 beneficiaries.

How the cards will be delivered? If you have friends or relatives in Moldova and would like to surprise them with a warm spring greeting, please just write us the following information:

- Name and Surname

- Degree of relationship (mother, aunt, sister, friend, wife etc.)

- Address.

We’ll do the rest. Be sure that our cards are original and 100% hand-made and we have a big range for you to choose exactly what you like. We’ll send the cards on behalf of your name with a hand written personalized message. Just write us on our Facebook page: or on email: [email protected] *The cards will be sent only on the territory of Republic of Moldova via National Post Mail Service. Let's make together this upcoming spring very warm and special.

Thank you for your care and support.

Instead of Post Scriptum: „There were several seminars and trainings in our community about domestic violence. Once my older kid brought me a business card from these events and gave it to me like a lifeline in a storm. He knew what I was going through and wanted to help me and his little brother. A few time later I was beaten again by my partner. I stayed in hospital for three weeks with a brain contusion. I remember I was looking at that card for hours and one day I just took my kids and came here. That day was my second and actually my real birthday.” Raisa, 36 years.

These is only one moment of our daily work, but we hope that with your support, we can manage to make them fewer and fewer.



Ce trebuie să fac? Ne scrieți într-un mesaj privat pe pagina noastră de Facebook:, ori la adresa electronică: [email protected] următoarele:

  • Numele persoanei pe care doriți să o felicitați;
  • Gradul de rudenie / prietenie;
  • Adresa exactă, inclusiv codul poștal.

Puteți trimite o felicitare chiar beneficiarelor noastre, de ce nu? Vă vom fi recunoscători. Cât trebuie să donez ca să solicit o felicitare? Mărimea donației nu contează. Oricare contribuție este binevenită, fiecare donator având posibilitatea de a-și surprinde persoanele dragi cu o felicitare hand-made din partea noastră. Câte felicitări pot solicita? Câte vă poftește inima. Pot solicita felicitări pentru rudele/prietenii de peste hotare? Nu. Felicitările vor fi expediate doar pe teritoriul Republicii Moldova. Cum mă asigur că felicitările au ajuns la destinație? „Casa Mărioarei” va expedia felicitările prin intermediul Poștei Moldovei. Vă rugăm să vă asigurați că ne-ați expediat corect adresa destinatarului. Cum mă asigur că banii donați vor fi utilizați pentru scopul anunțat? Suntem în totalitate transparenți. La finele campaniei vom organiza o serată pentru beneficiarele noastre, eveniment care va fi reflectat atât pe pagina noastră de Facebook, cât și pe site-ul nostru.



  1. Anonymous 
    MDL 97.00

    8 years ago
  2. Anonymous 
    MDL 1,940.00

    8 years ago
  3. Rodica JEREGHI 
    MDL 97.00

    să vă fie de ajutor

    8 years ago
  4. Anonymous 
    MDL 194.00

    8 years ago
  5. Anonymous 
    MDL 582.00

    8 years ago

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