Frequently Asked Questions



What does Guvern24 platform represent?
Guvern24 is a crowdfunding platform in Moldova, created to link the project initiators and potential finantial backers.

What are the basic definitions?
Users are those visitors of the site who register a user profile and thus agree with the content of this page. Site users can launch projects – initiatives aimed at raising funds. Users wishing to launch a project on Guvern24 platform act as beneficiaries of the platform. Users who make cash donations to beneficiaries’ campaigns act as donors. Each beneficiary assumes the responsibility to satisfy all the remunerations promised to the donors on the project page. When a user makes a financial contribution to the project he sets up a Beneficiary – Donor agreement between himself and the author of the project. This agreement and the rules that govern the activity of both parties of the agreement are provided in the category of “Obligations of the Beneficiary” and “Obligations of the Donor”.

Who can I contact if I have more questions?
If you can not find answers to your questions, you can contact us via the following email address: [email protected].

How can I report a copyright infringement?
If you find a copyright infringement on the  Guvern24 platform, please send us an email with evidence confirming the violation via this e-mail address: [email protected].

I'm interested in a partnership with Guvern24. How can I contact you?
Great! If you are an organization, institution or other interested person in becoming our partner, please contact us via this email address: [email protected].

What actions does Guvern24 take to ensure the safety of its community?
To ensure the effective use of financial resources that fully meet the objectives of each of project, Guvern24 will sign a contract with each project or fundraising initiative on the platform. To ensure maximum safety for donations, Guvern24 uses a personalized donor platform and a secure payment method.



Fees and commissions related to operations of receiving cards in the Internet, are the following:

Commission for payments made with MAIB cards: 1,8% of the transaction amount;

Commission for payments made with cards of any other bank from Republic of Moldova: 2,3% of the transaction amount;

Commission for payments made with cards from foreign banks: 2,9% of the transaction amount;

The fee for a chargeback is MDL 120. Please pay attention to the listed comission types while calculating the required amount for the successful implementation of the project.

Is it possible for Guvern24 to return the funds if the project fails after the end of the fundraising campaign?
No. The person in charge for the project and the funds collected is the beneficiary of Guvern24 platform. If during the project enough resources had not been collected, the funds will be automatically returned to the donor.

Is my donation safe?
Yes, for the safety of personal data and the donations, Guvern 24 uses a custom platform for donations.

Will I get a receipt or other confirmation of my donation?
Yes, after making a donation, you will receive an email confirmation of your donation.  

Who is responsible for the project implementation in accordance with the the promises given by the beneficiary?
Realization of the project is the responsibility of its creator. Guvern24 platform  is not involved in the development of the project. It’s you decision as donors whether to approve the ideas by means of your financial contribution or not.



What are the criteria by which Guvern 24 selects projects?
Projects to be published on the platform Guvern24 must comply with the formal requirements of the “Create” page. That is,  the draft should contain detailed written description, the required amount and  the budget argued  for the implementation of the current phase of the project, there must be specified the donors’ remunerations as well. Regarding the content, there are limitations that you can explore on the  “Terms of use” page.

Can I make a campaign longer than 90 days?
Yes. However, the recommended period of the campaign is maximum two or three months. So you can analyze how a product or campaign deployed are accepted, effective and necessary to the society.

Is a video material necessary for the project?
We do recommend to make a video as well. The video, which you attach to the project, demonstrates both donors and us a different perspective of the project. The images and colors are very good promotional tools.

Do I have to attach any other official documents to the project?
No. If your project has been accepted by Guvern 24 platform, we will contact you to arrange an appointment and sign the contract. If we need certain documents, you will be informed in advance.

How will Guvern24 platform promote projects?
Guvern 24 promotes projects by means of all avaliable media at the moment. However, we suggest that you use other methods of promotion, to ensure the project’s maximum visibility.

Can I launch more than one project at a time?
Of course, if they are different.

How do I get financial resources collected during the campaign?
Guvern24 collects the necessary funds in your and your project’s names. Once the funds are collected, Guvern24 will forward them to you, in accordance with the contract signed before of starting the fundraising campaign on the platform. These funds shall be used only for the project in accordance with the signed contract and the “Terms and Conditions” page on the website.

What are the taxes and fees of Guvern24?
Registration on the Guvern 24 site is free, as well as creating a project or making a financial contribution to a project. As soon as you complete a fundraising campaign, Guvern24 charges a commission of 2% of the collected amount.

Can I contact my supporters during the campaign and after?
Sure. Every project had a special page where you can get access to the entire database of contributors. You can also write an email with gratitude, or for future cooperation. Therefore, please enter a valid e-mail address that you normally use to make it possible for us and supporters to contact you back.

Is it necessary to collect the full amount until the end of the campaign?
No, it is not. However in case if by the project end date the amount collected is less than 10% of the target amount, all the collected funds will be returned to the donors.  

Do I need an official organization in order to create a project?
This is optional. Projects can be created both by natural and legal persons. It is important for them to comply with our rules.

How much time do I have to safisfy the remunerations for the donors of the project?
The time and resources for the remuneration are at the discretion of the author and are not required to mention. It is important  to satisfy the promised remunerations to everyone who contributed to the funding of the project, as indicated in the description of the project.

Do the copyright of the product or provided materials belong to me?
Guvern24 does not assign copyright to any material submitted by the author of the project on the site. Throughout the campaign platform has the right to use the materials presented on the Guvern24 site. However, at the end of the campaign all the project materials are returned to the author, and the platform does not have the right to use the materials without the author’s agreement.

What kind of projects will Guvern24 accept?

Any product aimed at bringing some change or benefit to society, as well as projects aimed at innovation or personal business. Political initiatives, projects promoting alcohol, tobacco, drugs or other illegal products and services in Republic of Moldova will not be accepted.

What is the beneficiary obliged to do after successful completion of the crowdfunding campaign?
When the project has been successfully financed, the project developer is responsible to complete the project and to satisfy all the the promised remunerations to donors. The main obligation of the beneficiary is to satisfy all of thepromises given during the fundraising campaign.  

What should the creators of the project do in the event if problems with the implementation of the project occur?
In case if a problem occurs we recommend the creators to publish updated information and explain the situation to all donors. Donors support projects as they believe in the idea and the initiative of the creators. The solution can often come from the community.


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