Monumental Art

by Radu Dumbrava

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Hello! My name is Radu Dumbrava. I graduated from the Academy of Arts in Chisinau and now I perform urban painting - a phenomenon widely spread in the world as "Street Art”. During the last years, I was involved in creation of the mural works that occurred in our capital, especially those in Botanica rayon. At the end of the 2015, I was elected as one of the 16 the most active young people from Chisinau and I keep continuing in this rhythm, because the city we live in together with you, today, more than ever, needs colors, freshness. I wish Chisinau transforms for me and for everyone, step by step, year by year, in a city of mural paintings known widely and over its borders.

In 2013 and 2014 I worked together with students and professors of the Gdansk School of Mural and achieved the second and the third mural in the project “Muralis” – “The Deer” and “The Butterflies of Freedom”.

In 2015, together with polish and local artists we paint the fourth work, the boy on the bicycle from the Dacia Boulevard, a work dedicated to the Year of Human Rights in Moldova.

For 2016 I have a dream and I really hope it is achievable: I want to get to the most prestigious festival of mural art in Europe, MONUMENTAL ART, which is in its 8th edition and is being held in Gdansk, Poland – the country known due to its monumental paintings. It is the place of inspiration for many artists and collectives, who are coming there year by year to made their works. I am convinced that Moldovan artists have what to present there, but also to learn, to absorb everything that is beautiful in terms of street art. At this festival, I could interact with artists from five different countries; working together, I can learn from them new techniques and ideas, that I can subsequently implement into creations that I want to accomplish in Moldova. Because I firmly believe that our city can become an outdoor gallery worthy to be called the best in Europe at least. This amount covers the round trip by plane 300 EUROs and the daily subsistence for 15 days – 500 EUROs.

I will be grateful for any financial contribution that you could kindly come with to support the realization of this dream. My gratitude will materialize in future work, which I hope you will admire in various sectors of the capital.

Thank you in advance!






  1. Cristina Pascari 
    MDL 194.00

    multa bafta si inspiratie

    9 years ago
  2. Anonymous 
    MDL 1,746.00

    9 years ago
  3. Anonymous 
    MDL 77.60

    Apreciez munca Dumneavoastră. Credeam că nu voi afla niciodată cine este autorul lucrărilor respective, însă, surpriză, am aflat. Deci, oamenii trebuie să știe mai multe despre Dvstră. Mai mulți trebuie să vă cunoască. Sper că vă veți atinge scopul propus, veți acumula experiență și că nu ne veți dezamăgi, cu siguranță. Continuați să creați. Mulțumim.

    9 years ago
  4. Anonymous 
    MDL 194.00

    9 years ago
  5. cristina ciobanu 
    MDL 582.00

    succes!!! esti bravo!

    9 years ago

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