Chekhov Square Renovation, financed collectively

Chekhov Square Renovation, financed collectively

About the project

Due to demographic expansion in decades, urbanist spaces play an important role in the development of the city and creating an identity of its. Thanks to well-planned urban areas, cities are raising their value and increasing the interest of both residents tourists. It is noticeable that the properties surrounding urban areas tend to cost 6-12% more. Unfortunately the authorities do not exploit these spaces and live in a town with dozens of abandoned public spaces.

The square around Anton Chekhov Theater is located in an area of utmost importance in the city center, at the intersection of Metropolit Varlaam and Vlaicu Parcalab. Surrounded by cafes, shopping centers, a theater, a hotel, a university and the park Cathedral park, Chekhov Square being untapped by local authorities went into degrading mode. Due to the lack of financial resources the Chekhov Theatre can neither maintain the square, nor can it invest in its reconstruction. For this reason, an initiative group decided to redevelop and revitalize the square.

The crowdfunding campaign result

As a result of consultation with the public a sketch of the project and the action plan were drawn. That included engineering works (clearing trees and lawn upgrade, pavement rehabilitation, design and installation of lighting network) and provision of utilities (benches, trash cans, lanterns, a billboard and decorative boundary pillars). The costs of this work amounted to $ 15,000 that could be raised only through donations.

The initiative group decided to launch a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo platform with the target amount of 15,000 dollars needed for the square rehabilitation. Just in a month the Chekhov Square crowdfunding campaign managed to raise $ 15,185 donated by 275 people. Due to this success up to this day there has been installed the irrigation system, lanterns, banks and trash bins. However, there are still some works to be done, such as changing the pavement, installing the boundary pillars and construction of a decorative fountain.


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